Tracking costs, managing risk, and keeping a project on budget can be one of the biggest hurdles in a construction project. Finding efficiencies in this area can make all the difference in delivering a project on time and on budget.
Autodesk Build’s cost management functionality enables teams to reduce risk by managing all cost-related activities in the cloud with streamlined and connected workflows. Teams gain real-time visibility into cost-related risk, the ability to forecast accurately, and greater accuracy on cash flow and profitability projections.
The following guide introduces suggested cost management workflows and gives context to the different capabilities built into the product, including step-by-step starter guides.
Learn about Cost Management in Autodesk Build
Watch the Cost Management Workflows in action
Cost Management with Autodesk Construction Cloud
Built on a unified platform and common data environment, Autodesk Construction Cloud is a powerful and complete portfolio of construction management products that empowers general contractors, specialty trades, designers, and owners to drive better business outcomes. Autodesk Construction Cloud combines advanced technology, a unique builders network and predictive insights to connect teams, workflows, and data across the entire building lifecycle.
Suggested Workflows
Cost and Change Management Workflow
Used to help control cost and confirm all changes are accounted for and managed effectively to maintain positive cash flow, reduce risk and maximize profit. The graphic below outlines the suggested cost and change management workflow using Autodesk Build.
Why follow this workflow?
- Customizable to suit users needs and preferences
- Provides a real-time summary view of all budget items and contracts
- Streamlines upstream and downstream change order workflows
Capabilities Used
- Budget management
- Contract management
- Change order management
- Payment applications
- Forecasting
- Actuals
Payment Application Workflow
Used to help manage incremental pay applications effectively to automate tasks and gain a real-time view of the project’s financial health. The graphic below outlines the suggested pay application workflow using Autodesk Build.
Why follow this workflow?
- Adds a level of automation
- Easy to manage and track
- Provides a real-time summary view of all cost and budget payments
Capabilities Used
- Budget management
- Contract management
- Budget payment applications
- Cost payment applications
- Document generation
Cost Management Capabilities
Home Page
The Cost Management home page provides a quick overview of the financial status of your project. Data is automatically collected and calculated, and is displayed in graphs. Click here for information on how to personalize the Home page.
Calendar View Overview
- The calendar displays an aggregated view of project-level dates.
- Use the arrows to scroll or the drop-downs to navigate between different months and years.
- Click “Day” or “Week” to toggle between the different views.
- Select the hyperlink within the listed item to open it (permission permitting).
Budget Chart
- This section contains several pie charts that display the percentage of money in each budget relative to the total project amount. Click a budget name to show or hide it from the chart. Click the
icon to check when the chart was last updated. The available views in this section are:
- Original Budget – This chart shows the budgets in your project based on their original value, which was added when the budget was created. This data is collected from the Original Budget column in the Budget tab. Learn more about importing or entering budgets.
- Revised Budget – This chart shows the sum of the Original Budget, Internal Budget Transfer, and Approved Owner Changes columns for each budget in the project and how it relates to the total project. This data is collected from the Revised column in the Budget tab.
- Projected Budget – This chart shows the sum of the original budget, approved, and pending changes for each budget in the project, presented as a percent. This data is collected from the Projected Budget column in the Budget tab.
- Original Commitment – This chart shows either the anticipated or contracted amount for the relevant supplier scope. This data is collected from the Orig. Commitment column in the Budget tab.
- Forecast Final Cost – This chart shows the final projected cost as the sum of the projected costs and forecast adjustments. This data is collected from the Forecast Final Cost column in the Budget and Contract tables.
Each pie chart presents the amount of money in each budget as a percentage of the whole project, where several budgets exist. To better understand how data is automatically collected and calculated, see the Budget and Contract Tables article.
Note: This chart is only visible to members with Budget View All or Full Control permission.
Budget and Cost Trend Chart
- The Budget and Cost Trend Chart provides a quick and easy way to track changes in your project’s budgets and cost over time.
- Toggle items in the chart legend (Original Budget, Revised Budget, Original Commitment, Forecast Final Cost) of a bar chart or pie chart to choose what to display in the card.
- To permanently save a view of the card, modify it in the Customize mode and click Save.
Reviews Chart
The Reviews Chart displays current active workflows, review step, reviewer, and due date for all custom approval workflows.
- You can expand the view of the chart, via the expand arrow on the right.
- Quickly access Items in the chart via a hyperlink, permission pertaining.
- To keep track of all items by the same reviewer, filter by reviewer via the filter icon on the right.
- If the due date appears in red color, it means an item is past due.
Cost Management is flexible and customizable. Configurable features allow teams to customize the software to suit their needs and preferences.
1. Activate Cost Management
- A Project Admin needs to activate Cost Management for project members.
- Within Project Admin, select the Member tool, then the member. In the fly-out panel, toggle on Cost Management.
- Select “View all tool permissions” to assign appropriate permission levels for the different components of Cost Management.
3. General Settings
Select the “General” tab.
- Project Process: An optional setting that configures which components in Cost Management display and configures permission options based on selected role and project preferences.
- By using Project Process, teams have the option to enable a collaborative Potential Change Order workflow for upstream and downstream change orders. It is made of 3 main optional Project Process driven features.
- A user can let their supplier generate PCOs and have them reviewed/rejected.
- A user can send a PCO out to request pricing for a change order instead of using RFQ (assuming only one recipient in the PCO).
- A collaborative PCO workflow where the GC can directly submit a PCO rather than COR to the customer and have the owner review/accept/reject.
- By using Project Process, teams have the option to enable a collaborative Potential Change Order workflow for upstream and downstream change orders. It is made of 3 main optional Project Process driven features.
- Unit of Measure: Select imperial or metric.
- Unit of Measure List: Set specific dimension as default or deactivate certain units from the list. Click “Add” to manually add additional dimensions.
- Companies Setup: Identify the project Owner, General Contractor, and Architect. Use the drop-down to select the correct contact or add a new contact.
- Budget and Contract Allocation: Allows the ability for project members to allocate a budget to multiple contracts but also limit adding multiple budget codes to a Contract by selecting “One budget to one Contract” for Budget and Contract allocation. This setting ensures any of the accounting integrations are not affected.
- Round Settings: Select the “Rule” (Half up, Round up, Round down) and “Accuracy” (1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.05). In the example field, users can test the settings. Under Sum, choose your rounding preference.
- Materials in Payment Applications: There are two options for calculating materials on site in payment applications. Materials on site option is the default option that follows AIA logic. Materials Billed option, allows users to treat materials on site as ‘previously billed’ and eliminates the need to manually move them if the user needs to show them as work completed the following month regardless of whether complete or still in storage.
Note: The Setting cannot be changed once any payment application is created. - Retention: Allows users to put in a default retention percent for completed work and materials on site. This will automatically be added to every line item, but can be edited/removed per line.
- Document and Attachments: Allows users to choose to store generated documents and uploaded attachments in both Cost Management and Autodesk Docs. Choosing to store the files in Autodesk Docs creates a single repository of all generated documents specific to each company for future audit purposes. If desired, the folder can be shared with other project members to access the information.
- Work Schedule: Allows users to set a default number of hours worked per day and days of the week.
- Tab Names & Order: Allows users to customize the names of the main tabs (Budget, Cost, Change Order) and the subtabs within each (e.g. Cost Item, PCO, RFQ, etc.) to better suit users’ needs. To change the display order of the subtabs in each section, select the three dots.
- Budget overview columns: Used to create custom calculated budget columns.
- Lock Budget: Once the original Budget Setup is finalized, lock it to avoid accidental change.
- Allow Internal Budget Transfer: Turns off the ability to allow users to make an internal budget transfer from the budget summary view.
- Main Contract Schedule of Values: Choose how Change Orders should display – as a line item, or in a column.
- Main Contract Types: Use the “Add” button to create a list of main contract types. This is the primary contractual agreement entered into directly; for example, between an Owner and a General Contractor. In edit mode in the Main Contract tab, users can assign a contract type to a line item via a drop-down.
- Using ‘Fixed Price’ as the main contract type will automatically add markups added to Change Orders to the work items to be hidden from the client easily. For example, a 10% mark up to a 10k concrete works Change Order item will result in an 11k concrete works item.
- Budget Payment Application Approval Workflow: Use to create custom approval workflows to automate the routing of budget payment applications for internal review.
- Document Templates: Use to create standard Budget Payment Application and main contract template formats, the templates are created using fields that automatically populate with data from the system. Refer to the Document Templates section to learn how to create Document Templates.
- Dates: Use to manage dates for Contracts and Budget Payment Applications.
- Custom Attributes: Use to customize portions of the details flyout panel for items in each subtab within the Budget tab. Refer to the Custom Attributes chapter to learn how to create Custom Attributes.
- Default Email Message: Use to create custom default email messages for when a Budget Payment Application is sent.
5. Budget Overview Columns
- In the Budget settings within the Budget overview columns section, Project Admins can manage the name, group and order of existing columns. As well as create custom columns calculated on base values or other columns.
- To manage existing columns and create custom calculated budget columns, select the “Manage” button.
Creating Custom Calculated Columns
- Duplicate an existing column and edit the formula by selecting the column name, then the “Duplicate” button. To create a new column from scratch, select the “Add new” button.
- Example: Creating a column next to Approved Change Orders in the Cost group titled Recoverable Change Orders shows what will be paid for by the Owner.
- How It’s Done:
- Select “Add new”.
- Update the column name.
- Choose the column group.
- From the left side panel, drag and drop to add the formula item.
- On the right side panel, select the value type and enter a value to preview.
- Drag additional formula items as needed and update values.
- Update the column position and visibility option.
- Select “Save”.
- Contract Schedule of Values: Used after a subcontract has been executed, Admins can change the Contract Schedule of Values setting from the default ‘Fully Locked” to ‘Amount Locked.’ This allows members to edit the breakdown of the locked lump sum before the first cost payment application is executed.
- Required Fields: Used to make certain required fields mandatory for contracts or potential change orders. If the user submits a PCO or a Contract and the required fields are not filled in, it will not allow the user to submit until they are compliant, and these can be filled out in the flyout menu.
- Contract Types: Use the “Add” button to create a list of contract types. In edit mode in the Contracts tab, assign a contract type to a line item via a drop-down.
- Contract Approval Workflow: Used to create custom approval workflows to automate the routing of contracts for internal review.
- Document Templates: Use to create standard Cost Payment Application and contract template formats, the templates are created using fields that automatically populate with data from the system. Refer to the Document Templates section to learn how to create Document Templates.
- Custom Attributes: Use to customize portions of the details flyout panel for items in each subtab within the Cost tab. Refer to the Custom Attributes section to learn how to create Custom Attributes.
- Default Email Message: Use to create custom default email messages for when Contracts and Cost Payment Application are sent from the system.
7. Change Order Settings
- Number Format: Users have the option to configure the code format by customizing the prefix, suffix, number of digits, and start number for each component. This will dictate how the information is displayed in the number column of each tab within Cost Management. Users can also choose to use Change Order type and Contract code in the coding structure to provide easy grouping and filtering.
- Financial Markup Formulas: Where users can create multiple project-level markup configurations to apply to Potential Change Orders (PCOs), Change Orders Requests (CORs), or Owner Change Orders (OCOs). Refer to the Financial Markup Formulas chapter to learn how to create custom Markups.
- Choose to use financial markups for budget changes or cost changes. Cost changes will enable the markups to display on the supplier change order page.
- Change Order Types: Use the “Add” button to create a list of Change Order types. This allows them to be grouped by type and, if preferred, have different numbering schemes per type.
- You can specify which change order types apply to each stage and optionally define a default for each by using the drop-down in the ‘Applicable to’ and ‘Default for’ sections.
- Change Order Pay Before Approval: You can select any OCO/SCO change order types and manually add them to payment applications before they are approved. Use the drop-down menu options of OCO/SCO types to choose from.
- Note: This option allows the change order value to be edited between payment applications and is very useful if you are in a T&M scenario, where the final change order value may only be known once the work is complete.
- Cost Item Types: Use the “Add” button to create a list of Cost Item types. In the Cost Item tab within Change Orders, users can assign a Cost Item type to a line item via a drop-down list.
- PCO Source Types: Use the “Add” button to create a list of PCO source types. In the PCO tab within Change Orders, users can assign a PCO source type to a line item via a drop-down list.
- OCO & SCO Approval Workflow: Used to create custom approval workflows to automate the routing of SCOs and OCOs for internal review.
- Document Templates: Used to create standard template formats for PCOs, RFQs, RCOs, OCOs, and SCOs. The templates are created using fields that automatically populate with data from the system. Refer to the Document Templates section to learn how to create Document Templates.
- Dates: Use to manage dates for RFQs, CORs, OCOs, and SCOs.
- Custom Attributes: Use to customize portions of the details flyout panel within the Change Order tab. Refer to the Custom Attributes section to learn how to create Custom Attributes.
- Default Email Message: Use to create custom default email messages for when PCOs, RFQs, CORs, OCO, and SCOs are sent from the system.
Multi Currency
With Multi-Currency foreign supplier management is streamlined. Teams can easily manage supplier contracts, change orders, payment applications, and expenses in different currencies. The system then automatically converts all foreign currencies to the project’s base currency and displays exchange rate gains and losses for better cost control.
1. Accessing & Setting Multi-Currency for the Project
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to access Multi-Currency.
- Within Cost Management, select the Settings tool. Multi-Currency is under the General Settings tab within the Currency section.
- Multi-Currency needs to be turned on to utilize it. To do so, under Foreign Currencies, toggle it on.
- To add a foreign currency, select Add. From the drop-down, select the currency you would like to add. Then input the current exchange rate.
- Important Note:
- The exchange rates set are used by default and can be updated in Settings as required throughout the project lifecycle. The default exchange rates can also be overwritten by users with the latest rates every time a transaction is made, as shown in later sections of this guide.
2. Using Multi-Currency
With Multi-Currency turned on, project teams can now easily create and manage foreign supplier contracts, change orders, payment applications, and expenses in the set currencies.
Foreign Supplier Contract Management
- To change the currency for foreign supplier contracts from the base project currency, select the contract to open the flyout panel.
- Within the Details section of the flyout, select the Currency drop-down, and choose the appropriate currency.
- The exchange rate set in Settings for that currency will appear in the Exchange Rate field. It can be edited from here if the rate has since changed.
- The Schedule of Values are entered in the foreign currency. The system automatically converts it to the base currency.
- You can easily toggle between the two currencies to view the Unit Cost and Amount change in either currency.
Foreign Supplier Change Order Management
- Change orders can be entered and managed in the currency of the foreign supplier as the project progresses.
- The system will automatically recognize the currency set for a supplier within their contract, so when a potential change order (PCO) arises, you or the supplier (with the appropriate permission level) can generate a PCO.
- The Proposed and Committed amounts are entered in the supplier’s local currency then the system auto-converts it to the base currency.
- Arrow icon displays to indicate the change order information is converted. To view the information in both currencies, hover over the field. The Exchange Rate can be edited from here by selecting the pencil to override what was defined in Settings.
Foreign Supplier Payment Application Management
- Payment applications can also be entered and managed in foreign currencies.
- Within the Cost tool, select the Cost Payment Application tab and open the details view for the appropriate supplier.
- The system will automatically recognize the currency set for a supplier within their contract, so Work Completed will be entered in the local currency. And the system will auto-convert it back to the project’s base currency.
- The system will automatically recognize the currency set for a supplier within their contract, so the Unit Cost and Amount are entered in the local currency. The system will auto-convert it back to the project’s base currency.
- Like Change Orders, an arrow icon displays to indicate the information has been converted. To view the information in both currencies and exchange rate used, hover over the field.
- Exchange rate can be overridden via the flyout panel. Once an expense is “Approved” the field will be locked and rate can’t be changed.
3. View Currency Gains & Losses within the Budget Overview
The system automatically pulls all cost activities into the budget overview and converts foreign currencies back to the project’s base currency. So, as actual expenses start rolling in, teams gain instant visibility into currency gain or loss on actual (realized) and projected (unrealized) costs.
New Realized & Unrealized Currency Columns
- To view the budget overview, select the Budget tool.
- With the release of Multi-Currency, three new columns are available: Realized Currency Gain or Loss, Unrealized Currency Gain or Loss, and Forecast Exchange Rate.
- Use the gear icon to turn them on.
- Realized costs are calculated based on whatever the exchange rate was set at on the day each actual cost was approved.
- Unrealized (projected) costs are based on anything not yet claimed for.
Making Forecast Adjustments
- To make a forecast adjustment based on currency gain or loss select the more-menu (three-dots) next to the item name.
- Then select Forecast Adjustments. An Edit Forecast Adjustment box will appear.
- From the “Add from currency gain or loss” drop-down menu, choose one of the following options:
- Realized Currency Gain or Loss
- Unrealized Currency Gain or Loss
- Total Currency Gain or Loss
- When done, select the “X.”
Generate Budget Report in Different Currency
When using Multi-Currency, you can generate a full project report converted to a foreign currency.
- Within the Budget tool in Cost Management, Select the Export drop down, select PDF Report
- Click Report currency drop down, Select the currency desired to generate PDF report, Click Create Report.
Permissions & Collaborate Access
Setting Permissions
- Select the “Permissions” tab. Designate user-, role-, or company-based permissions for each tab within Cost Management. Auto permissions for each tab using role-based settings can also be set. Permission levels are:
- No Access: can’t access the tab
- Collaborate: can view and edit limited attributes of items assigned to them in the tab
- View All: can view all items within the tab
- Full Control: can view and edit all attributes on all items within the tab
- Use the search field to find the desired user, company, or role.
- Click “Add”.
- Hover over the permission level and click to access the menu drop-down. Set the appropriate permission level for each column.
Project Settings Control
A new permission setting for Cost Management called Project Settings has been added. This permission level allows teams to alter whether individual project admins have view-only or edit access for Cost Management’s settings. This ensures that defined cost settings are not accidentally changed.
- Within Cost Management in the Settings tool, Click the Permissions Tab.
- Select the user, in the Project Settings column, drop down menu select View Project Settings for viewing only or Full Control for being able to edit.
Collaborate Access for Owners & Suppliers
- To help streamline workflows and enhance collaboration with Owners and Suppliers, give them Collaborate access to view and interact with certain information.
- The Collaborate permission is available for specific components within Cost and allows them to only view and edit limited attributes on items assigned to them. Note, an Autodesk Build license is required.
What Owner/Supplier with Collaborate permission can do
Related tool and component in Cost
Supplier Request for Quotation
- Provide work breakdown and propose a price
- Upload/download attachments
Change Order Tool
RFQ Component
Owner Change Order Request
- Accept or reject COR
- Download COR documents
- Upload/download attachments
Change Order Tool
COR Component
Owner Change Orders
- Approve or reject OCO
- Download OCO documents
- Upload/download attachments
Change Order Tool
OCO Component
Supplier Payment Application (with view and respond access)
- Fill in pay application and submit to contractor
- View previous applications
- Generate payment application documents
- Upload/download attachments
Supplier Payment Application (with create, view, and respond access)
- Create new billing periods in contract and cost payment application views
- Set due dates
- Fill in pay application and submit to contractor
- Delete a payment application with the status of Submitted, Revised and Resubmitted, or Pending Supplier Input. Can’t delete a payment application with the status of In Review, Accepted, Approved or Paid.
- Delete billing period if no linked payment application
- View previous applications
- Generate payment application documents
- Upload/download attachments
Cost Tool
Cost Payment Application Component
Owner Payment Application
- Approve or reject pay application
- View previous applications
- Download payment application documents
- Upload/download attachments
Budget Tool
Budget Payment Application Component
Supplier Contract Exhibits/Attachments
- Upload/download
Cost Tool
Contract Component
Supplier Schedule of Values
- Provide schedule of values breakdown
Cost Tool
Contract Component
Supplier Cash Flow Forecasting Collaboration
- Create and update distribution of forecast final costs with a submission/approve/revise workflow.
Forecast Tool
Owner Collaborate Access
Collaborating on an Owner Change Order With eSignature – Available to customers with an active SignNow integration before December 1, 2023.
Autodesk Build’s allows teams to streamline workflows and enhance collaboration by providing Owners with the ability to access, view, and interact with specific information in the Cost toolset.
- When Cost opens, only the information pertaining to the Owner will be visible.
- Click the change order name to open the details flyout panel.
- Scroll to review details, including any documents.
- With the Owner given ‘Collaborate’ access, they can review, accept, reject, or request a revision.
- Select Respond in the workflow bar.
- Once submitted, the General Contractor will be notified.
- If approved by the Owner they can trigger the eSignature process. The document will be sent to the required parties for signature based on a configured order. This process utilizes an integration with SignNow.
- The Owner will be notified by email that documents are awaiting their review and signature.
- Open the email and select View Document.
- When the document opens, select your language before getting started.
- Select the Signature Field in all required places to populate your electronic signature.
- When complete select Done. Once the last party has signed the system will notify the General Contractor for their signature.
- The completed document will automatically upload into Cost as an attachment.
Supplier Collaborate Access
Autodesk Build’s allows teams to streamline workflows and enhance collaboration by providing Suppliers with the ability to access, view, and interact with specific information in the Cost toolset.
- Once submitted, the system will notify the General Contractor by email.
- They can review and request revisions with comments.
- If a revision is required, the process will continue as outlined above once it is submitted back to the Supplier.
- Once approved, the General Contractor can compile the contract document package and send it over for signature.
- When Cost opens, only the information pertaining to the Supplier’s cost payment application will be visible.
- Scroll to review details. In the columns within This Period, click on the fields to enter the completions. The information will auto-populate based on the Amount or % entered.
- To auto-populate data based on the item being 100% complete, select the three-dot icon next to a line item and choose % mark as completed.
- If a revision is required, they can request it.
- The Supplier can respond directly to the comment left by the General Contractor and make necessary updates.
- When done, the Supplier submits the payment application back to the General Contractor.
- Once the General Contractor is happy, they can accept all line items. The system will notify the Supplier by email.
- Once submitted, the system will notify the General Contractor by email.
- They can either accept it or request a revision.
- If a revision is required, the process will continue as outlined above once it is submitted back to the Supplier.
- If necessary, a formal quotation can be attached by the Supplier when responding.
- Once accepted by the General Contractor, the system will notify the Supplier by email.
Supplier Collaborative Workflow for Forecasting
- Suppliers can be invited into the system to create and update distribution of Forecast final costs throughout the project.
- Suppliers will only see their requested distribution items for forecast final cost and actual costs, keeping all other sensitive budget information private.
- As with other collaborative workflows, admins manage collaborative access for Cash Flow within Settings.
Sending Distribution Items to Supplier
- Once the supplier has collaborative access and you have created your forecast distributions, within the Cash Flow tab in the Forecast tool, select the items to be sent to the supplier for input and Click Request Input.
- A ‘Send email to supplier’ dialog will appear where you can type a message to the supplier. Click Send.
Budget Code Setup
The Cost Management toolset in Autodesk Build is flexible and customizable to meet your needs and preferences while also giving you the freedom to slice and dice your data.
1. Accessing the Budget Code Settings
Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to access and edit the Budget Code.
- In Cost Management, select the Settings tool to access the settings for the different components within Cost Management.
- The Budget tab is where the Budget Code is set up.
2. Budget Code Template
Budget codes are generally made up of individual segments of information, such as a work classification, sub job, cost type, etc. Some companies have only one segment, and some have multiple. The Cost tool does not have limits. During the budget setup process, define the number of segments for your codes (see section 3) and each segment’s length. The sum of the segment lengths equals the total length of the budget code.
- Within the Budget tab, you can either build the Budget Code format from scratch, import an Excel list from an accounting system, or integrate it directly into the system via API from ERP/Estimating system or similar.
- This informs the system how the Budget Code should appear in the Cost tool.
Budget Import
- The imported budget should not include summary groups of other budget items, as shown in the left screenshot below. Grouping is managed by using master lists for each segment, allowing the budget to be sliced and diced in many different ways, as described in sections 3–6 on the following pages.
- There is a concept of sub-items in the budget, which allows for a budget item to have cost build-ups. But they should only be build-ups relative to the actual budget item.
Importing Special Characters
- When importing budget codes the system allows the import of special characters (e.g, hyphen), known as a delimiter within the actual imported code.
- Any special characters will be counted in the # of digits in the segment. For example:
- 03.00.00 = 8 digits
- 030000 = 6 digits
- Users can add delimiters between complete segments. For example, if CSI was a segment (8 digits) and cost type another (3 digits) then there might be a delimiter between 03.00.00-LAB. This example will be 11 total digits (8+3) when imported.
- This means both the group headers which are driven by the segment master list and the actual budget line items will be shown with special characters.
4. Adding Budget Segment Details
- “Where” informs the system how to show the segment:
- Code – as part of the whole Budget Code.
- Column – in a separate column from the Budget Code.
- Info only – purely for information and not shown in the budget columns.
- “# of digits” informs the system how many digits are expected for that segment.
- For irregular structures, choose Variable Length for the segment’s # of digits.
- Variable Length can be applied to multiple segments and the max # of digits per individual segment is 20.
- If Variable Length is chosen, the template for import will be updated to support this.
- “Delimiter” informs the system how to separate the segments, if at all. When importing budget codes the system allows for the import of special characters (e.g, hyphens, periods, etc), which is known as a delimiter.
Importing a master list:
- When importing, users can either drag and drop or select “Import” to browse for an Excel sheet (must be .xls or .xlsx and can’t exceed 10MB). Note, only the first sheet in the workbook will be imported.
- Best practice, when importing a list, is to first download the template by clicking “Download template”.
- Hierarchy levels are unlimited. Child levels don’t require a column header; just insert a column for each level of hierarchy between “Code” and “Description” columns in the template.
- Every line item can have only one code. When importing, make sure to set “# of digits” correctly, or an error message will display.
Editing a Master List
- If a user has already defined and imported a budget segment master list with no hierarchy parent group item, user can still add one.
7. Code Preview
- The “Segment code preview” field allows users to input example data to confirm the segment code details are accurate.
- “Budget code preview” displays a preview of the entire Budget Code as it will be shown in Cost.
- Hover over the “Budget code preview”. A “Full code preview” pops up to display the code as it might look when imported into the system from your accounting system.
Custom Attributes
The details flyout panel allows users to quickly view detailed information behind any item in multiple components within Cost Management. With the Custom Attributes feature, teams can customize a portion of the details flyout panel to suit their needs and preferences.
1. Accessing Custom Attributes
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to create and edit Custom Attributes.
- Within Cost Management, select the Settings tool. You will now be able to access the settings for the different components within Cost Management.
- Custom Attributes can be created in the following tabs for each component:
- Budget: Budget, Main Contract, and Budget Payment Application
- Cost: Contract, Cost Payment Application, Expense, Expense Subitem
- Change Order: Cost Item, PCO, RFQ, COR, OCO, and SCO
- Note, the main tab and component names can be customized within General Settings.
- Either click to add, or drag and drop the attribute from the left sidebar into the center preview panel.
- Select the attribute to define it in the properties panel on the right.
- Rearrange the attributes by clicking then dragging and dropping the field. Select “Finish” when done.
- The attributes will appear in the component. Like adding, click to edit.
- Some custom attributes generate a custom variable that can be referenced in documents. Not all custom attributes create custom variable entries. The following support custom variables:
- Cost contract custom attributes
- Change order custom attributes
- The format for these custom attributes is {[“Attribute Title”]}.
- For example: A date custom attribute for an RFQ titled “Required on Site” would be {[“Required on Site”]} would return the date specified.
- Copy the variable from the custom attribute edit and paste it into the desired document template.
PRO TIP: Add Custom Attributes to the table view via the Control icon. In the table view, users can assign them. Users can also use Custom Attributes for grouping and filtering. To do this, select the filter icon, and then choose the attribute from “Group items by drop-down”.
Document Templates
Easily create standard documentation formats for distribution with Cost Management’s Document Templates capabilities. Templates are created using fields that are automatically populated with data from the system when generated.
1. Accessing Document Templates
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to create and edit Document Templates.
- Within Cost Management, select the Settings tool. You will now be able to access the settings for the different components within Cost Management.
- Document Templates can be created in the following tabs for each component:
- Budget: Main Contract and Budget Payment Application
- Cost: Contract and Cost Payment Application
- Change Order: Potential Change Order (PCO), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Change Order Request (COR), Owner Change Order (OCO), and Supplier Change Order (SCO).
- Note, the main tab and component names can be customized within General Settings.
- The downloaded template can be customized to suit the user’s needs.
- The content within the brackets must stay the same for the module to recognize and to auto-populate it when generating the document.
Document template variable details
PRO TIP: To remove “SAMPLE” click into the document header
- Payment application document templates include additional rows in the payment details table to allow users to define hierarchy and parent node background color and font.
- Summaries can be at the top or bottom of a document. Increasing the visibility of summary items within generated payment applications.
3. Uploading a Document Template
- There are two ways to upload a document template:
- Option 1: Drag and drop the file, or click “Browse” to locate the file on your computer for upload.
- Option 2: Select a document from Autodesk Docs by clicking “Select files Autodesk Docs” and navigating to the correct folder.
- Select “Finish” to save and exit.
4. Online Document Review Functionality
- Once the document template(s) are uploaded to the system, Admins with Microsoft Office 365 can click on the desired template to open it online and make edits versus downloading a copy and re-uploading it.
- Users with Microsoft Office 365 can also open and edit Microsoft Word/Excel documents online directly from the document package section within the item’s flyout panel.
Account Library Document Templates
For quick distribution of Cost Management document templates across all projects, Account Admins can easily manage templates at the account level within the Library.
1. Accessing Cost within the Account Admin Library
- Users with Account Admin permission are the only individuals able to access the Library.
- Select ‘Account Admin’ in the product picker, then select ‘Library.’
- In the Library, click on the ‘Cost’ tab.
- Here is where you manage settings (e.g., Document Templates) for Cost Management.
2. Accessing the Document Template Settings Builder
- Within the ‘Cost’ tab, select ‘Create cost settings.’
- In the next window, select ‘Document Template’ and click next.
- The Settings Builder will open and display a listing of all Cost Management document templates.
- Best practice: create a setting for individual templates or groupings of like templates.
3. Creating Cost Settings & Uploading Document Templates
- In the Settings Builder, title the settings (e.g., Budget Pay App).
- Use the drop-down menu or scroll to the desired document template section (e.g., Budget Payment Application). If needed, select the hyperlink to download the sample template.
- When ready to upload a document template, drag and drop the file, or click ‘Browse’ to locate the file on your computer for upload.
- A single section can include multiple templates.
- Select ‘Save’ to save and exit.
4. Push Templates to Existing Projects
- Within the ‘Cost’ tab in the Library, select the template then the ‘Add to’ button.
- To apply the template across all project select the box next to Project Name.
- To apply to select projects scroll the list or use the search box to find/select the desired project(s).
- When ready select the ‘Add’ button at the bottom.
- Within Cost Management, an icon representing the Library will appear next to document templates shared from the Library.
5. Updating Templates
- Within the ‘Cost’ tab in the Library, select the template, then the ‘Edit’ button to open the Settings Builder.
- You cannot replace templates with a new template with the same name. Instead, upload a new template with a different name or select the three-dot menu to delete the existing template.
- When done, select ‘Save.’
- A dialogue box will appear to confirm the system will automatically update the setting across associated projects. Select ‘Save and update.’ Note, this means templates deleted from the Library will automatically be removed from associated projects when saved.
Financial Markups
Easily create multiple project level markup configurations to apply to Potential Change Orders (PCOs), Change Order Request (COR), or Owner Change Orders (OCOs).
1. Accessing Financial Markups
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to create and edit financial Markups.
- Within Cost, select the Settings tool. You will now be able to access the settings for the different components within Cost.
- Financial Markups are created in the Change Order tab.
- Multiple Markup formulas can be created, and any existing formulas will be available in the list.
- Use the drop-down to choose if the markups will be used in Budget or Cost changes. When Cost change is selected, it will enable the markups to display on the supplier change order page.
- Budget change markups can be applied to either PCOs, CORs, or OCOs.
- Cost change markups can be applied to either PCOs, RFQs, or SCOs.
- Note, the main tab and component names can be customized within General Settings.
2. Creating a Financial Markup
- Scroll to the Financial Markup Formulas section, and select “Add”.
- Select the top “New formula” field to title the formula.
- To add a description, select the pencil icon next to “New financial markup formula.”
- To enter a sample cost basis, which will allow you to check the calculation as you start building the formula, select the pencil icon next to “Sample cost basis”.
Creating the Formula:
- 1: Click “Markup” to add a new markup row to the formula, or select “Markup” and drag it into the center preview panel.
- 2: In the Markup edit panel, name the Markup (e.g. Fee).
- 3: Select the Markup type and amount:
- “Percentage” for a standard percentage based markup.
- “Flat” for a flat fee, per PCO.
- 4: Select the “Cost basis” from the drop-down.
- 5: Add a description of the Markup (optional).
- 6: Search or scroll to select a target budget item for the Markup.
- 7: By default, Markups are calculated on all budget items. Using the “Calculate on” fields, you can enter rules to only calculate on particular Budget Codes, Cost Types, etc.
- 8: Add a subtotal by selecting “Subtotal” or by dragging it into the center preview panel.
- Name the subtotal (e.g. Contingency and Fee).
- Select the appropriate “Cost basis revising” option.
- “Revise cost basis” (default), if revising the cost basis for all subsequent Markups, will be included.
- “Info only” to summarize any Markups above for information.
- 9: Select “Save”.
Custom Tax Calculations
Utilize the custom tax calculation feature to calculate taxes in all cost processes and show tax in the generated cost documentation to comply with government requirements.
1. Accessing Tax Calculations
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to create and edit tax formulas.
- Within Cost Management, select the Settings tool. You will now be able to access the settings for the different components within Cost Management.
- Tax formulas are created and managed in the General Settings tab.
- Multiple tax formulas can be created, and any existing formulas will be available in the list.
- The tax formulas created here can then be applied to contracts, payment applications, and change orders.
- Note, the main tab and component names can be customized within General Settings.
- To update the net total default (1,000.00) in the center preview panel select “Net total”.
- Click “New tax” to add a new tax row to the formula, or select “New tax” and drag it into the center preview panel.
- In the Tax edit panel, name the Tax (e.g. VAT) and add the tax rate percent.
- Taxes can be added, removed, named and re-ordered as required. After setting the tax rate for each, the amounts are calculated on the shown “Cost Basis”.
- For situations where tax on tax is needed, create a single formula that includes multiple taxes by adding subtotals.
- Add a subtotal by selecting “Subtotal” or by dragging it into the center preview panel.
- In the Subtotal edit panel, select the appropriate “Cost basis revising” option.
- “Revise cost basis” (default), creates a subtotal and recalculates the sample “Cost Basis” for subsequent taxes.
- “Info only,” creates a subtotal for information purposes without recalculating the “Cost basis” for subsequent taxes.
- Select “Save”.
4. Edit and Manage Tax Formulas
- In General Settings scroll to the Tax Formula drop-down.
- To edit a formula, select the formula name.
- For additional options select the “More” menu to access the following options:
- Duplicate: to make a copy of the formula.
- Deactivate: to deactivate the formula so it won’t be used.
- Delete: to permanently delete the formula
- Note, tax formulas that have been applied to items can not be edited, deactivated, or deleted.
Custom Approval Workflows
Utilize a decision-based workflow engine to create custom approval workflows for Owner Change Orders (OCOs), Supplier Change Orders (SCOs), Contracts and Subcontractor Payment Applications. Structuring approval workflows will ensure contractually binding documents follow required internal review processes and allow for consistency and transparency of company-defined processes across projects.
1. Accessing Approval Workflows
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to create and edit approval workflows.
- Within Cost, select the Settings tool. Users are able to access the settings for the different components within Cost.
- Navigate to the following tabs for:
- Budget: Budget (Owner) Payment Application Approval Workflows
- Cost: Contract Approval Workflows and Cost (Subcontractor) Payment Application Approval Workflows
- Change Order: Owner Change Orders and Supplier Change Orders Approval Workflows
- Note, the main tab and component names can be customized within General Settings.
2. Creating Approval Workflows
- To create a Contract workflow, navigate to the Cost tab. To create Owner and Supplier Change Order workflows, navigate to the Change Order tab.
- 1: Select “Create approval workflow”.
- 2: In the dialog box, select an approval workflow template from the drop-down list. Templates are available for single-step or multi-step group reviews.
- 3: Click “Next”.
- 5: In the General Info section, name the workflow. When an item meets the defined conditions of a workflow, the workflow name will appear in the system as it progresses through the review process.
- 6: In the Steps section, specify the details for each step in the workflow:
- For each step, specify either single or multiple reviewers. Reviewers can be a user, role, or company. The reviewer must have Full Control or Admin permissions to the component (e.g. SCO tab) to participate in the review.
- If multiple reviewers (a group approval step), specify whether every member of the group must review, or select the minimum number of reviewers required.
- Note: When an approval workflow template is selected, the Reviewer Type field is filled in by default. For reviews with more than one step, this can be customized as required. For example, if a Three Step Approval template is selected, one of the single review steps should be changed to a group review step.
- Specify the time allowed for each step.
- Optionally, enter a name for each review and approval step. The step name will appear in the system as it reaches each review step.
- 7: Click “Save”.
3. Reviewer Notifications and Submission for Signature
- When an item satisfies the conditions of an approval workflow, a dialog box will appear, detailing the approval workflow it will be progressing through and enabling you to add a comment.
- As an item progresses through each step in a workflow, the designated reviewer for that step will be alerted via email.
- The reviewer can click “Open in cost management” to be directed to the item for review in the email. Respond appropriately and select submit.
- The final reviewer submits the item to the external party for their approval and signature.
- If using the SignNow integration for e-signature, documents will be sent to signers defined in the signature template.
- The workflow bar in the details flyout panel displays the item’s status, ball-in-court, and expected due date as it moves through the workflow.
- Activity is captured in the item’s activity log.
4. Edit and Manage Approval Workflows
- To edit/manage a specific workflow, next to the workflow select the “More” menu and choose from the following options:
- Configure: to edit the workflow settings
- Duplicate: to make a copy of the workflow. Tip: This is useful when creating a new workflow using settings similar to an existing one. Configure the copied workflow to give it a unique name, and change other settings as required.
- Deactivate: to deactivate the workflow so it won’t be used
- Move Up: to move the position of the workflow up in the list
- Move Down: to move the position of the workflow down in the list
- Delete: to permanently delete the workflow
Compliance Requirements
With the Compliance feature, teams can create a list of compliance requirement documentation for Contracts and Cost Payment Applications to ensure all legal documents are attached upon item submission.
1. Accessing Compliance Requirements
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to create and edit Compliance Requirement lists.
- Within Cost Management, select the Settings tool. You will now be able to access the settings for the different components within Cost Management.
- Compliance requirements can be created within the Cost tab for Contracts and Cost Payment Applications.
- Note, the main tab and component names can be customized within General Settings.
2. Creating Compliance Requirements
- To create Compliance Requirement(s) for Contracts or Cost Payment Applications, select “Add”.
- An “Add requirement” dialog box will open. Fill in the required information.
- For Contracts:
- If a document expiration date is required, select the “Requirements to submit Contract” drop-down and check the box.
- To choose which contract type the document is required for (e.g., All Contract Types, Subcontracts, Purchase Orders, etc.) select the “Applicable to” drop-down.
- For Cost Payment Applications:
- If a document expiration date is required, select the “Requirements to submit Cost Payment Application” drop-down and check the box.
- For Contracts:
- When ready, select “Add”.
- To manage/edit compliance requirement items, select the three-dot menu.
- Option include:
- Edit: opens the “Add requirement” dialog box where you can make edits.
- Move Up: Moves the item up the list within the flyout panel.
- Move Down: Moves the item down the list within the flyout panel.
- Deactivate: Inactivates the item.
- Delete: Deletes the item.
3. Viewing Compliance Document Requirements in Item Flyout Panel
- Within the Contract or Cost Payment Application tabs, select an item to open the flyout.
- In the flyout, scroll down to the Compliance Requirement section.
- This will display the required documents created in Settings.
- Select the “Add Document” drop-down to upload a document from your computer or attach it from Autodesk Docs.
- If an expiration date is required, select the calendar field and choose a date.
5. Uploading Required Documents
- When a document is uploaded, the orange circle turns green with a checkmark.
- Next to the uploaded document, select the three-dot menu to access the following options; open, download, or remove from the requirement.
- If a required document is not uploaded, you will not be able to submit the item.
6. Suppliers with Collaborate Access
- To speed up workflows, bring suppliers into the system with collaborate access.
- They will be able to review contracts, payment applications and upload the required documentation.
- Note: If the Contract insurance compliance requirement has expired, the system prevents the associated payment application from being submitted even if the payment application compliance requirement is fulfilled (see image).
Compliance Expiration Date Display
View document expiration dates as a column in the Contract & Cost Payment Application overview tables and in the calendar view of the home page.
Important Note: During compliance requirement setup within Settings, the option of “Requires document expiration date” must be checked in the Requirements to Submit Contract drop-down.
- Project Admins are the only individuals who have permission to create and edit Compliance Requirement lists. To do this, within the Settings tool open the Cost tab. Under the Compliance requirements section, click Add. An Add Requirement box will appear.
- Type the Name and Description of the requirement being added.
- Pull down the drop-down menu of Requirements to Submit Contract and select Requires Document Expiration Date.
- If this option is not selected, this requirement will not include the required document expiration date.
Budget and Contract Management
Cost in Autodesk Build enables teams to minimize risk by managing all cost-related construction activities in a single software. It provides a real-time summary view of all budget items and contracts, giving a clear picture of revenue, costs, forecast and variance related to each item.
1. Budget Tab Overview
- Open the product picker and select Cost. Select the Budget tool. The budget tab displays a real-time view of the project’s financial health. Note, tab names can be customized by the Project Admin within settings.
- All cost activities are automatically pulled into the overall budget summary, providing clear visibility into cost impacts and making necessary forecast adjustments.
- To avoid accidental changes, the budget can be locked. If it’s not yet locked, select “Lock budget”. Only Project Admins can edit the original budget after it is locked.
- For a comprehensive view of a budget item, select the item to open the details flyout panel. Information such as associated contracts, budget transfer history, forecast adjustments, etc. is available.
- If a budget line item has no cost associated with such as items like contingency, allowances, and fees, teams can change the scope of these items as Budget Only in the details flyout panel.
- Integrations can be configured to lock budget transfers once integrated to the ERP. This will be apparent within the Internal Budget Transfer History section within the flyout via a locked icon.
- 1: Select the Export button to export formatted budget reports. The Excel report provides the option to include additional historical data. With the PDF report, choose to export a full report with all columns except Custom Attributes or a budget report with columns in General and Budget.
- 2: Select the filter icon to filter/group the budget summary view based on multiple conditions.
- 3: To save a filter and switch between saved views, select the “Default view” button.
- 4: Select the Control icon to control the visibility and order of columns within the table.
- Check the box to make the desired column(s) appear.
- Hover over an item and select the arrow to lock the column in place. Locks to the left or right based on arrow selection.
- Change column order by hovering over an item, selecting/holding the dots, then dragging and dropping in the new location.
- 5: Select the chart icon to view budget and cost trend charts.
- 6: Select the Plan icon to open a set of capabilities that allows users to plan schedule-related allowances such as General Conditions in a Gantt type view. More details are in the Method-Related Planning chapter.
- 7: Select the edit icon to enable edit mode. If the user has “view only” permission, they can’t make edits.
2. Budget Edit Mode
Users with “full control” permission for the Budget component can edit the budget. If the budget is locked, only Project Admins can make edits. Once the original budget is locked, it cannot be undone. With the budget in edit mode:
- 1: Select “Add” to manually enter new budget items.
- 2: Select “Download template” to download a budget import template.
- 3: Select “Import” to import an Excel file.
- 4: Select the “Export” button to export the formatted budget Excel report.
- 5: Select the filter icon to filter/group the budget summary view based on multiple conditions.
- 6: To save a filter and switch between saved views, select the “Default view” button.
- 7: Select the Control icon to control the visibility and order of columns within the table. Select the column headers to sort in ascending or descending order.
- 8: Within each budget item, select the pencil icon to edit the budget name.
- 9: Click within the Quantity, Unit, and Unit Cost columns to edit the information.
- 11: Create a Main Contract SOV or Contract by selecting one or more items. The ability to compile them into one contract is also available.
- There is no restriction on hierarchy levels, and the totals from all child items are rolled up to the parent and divided by the parent quantity to provide a unit cost, allowing visibility into how the budget number was derived.
- 12: When budgets have been associated with line items in the Main Contract, they can be hidden to be kept private. Users can temporarily hide & unhide subitems using the option in the context menu.
- Select a Main Contract item, Click Edit Mode pencil at the top, Click three-dot menu next to the item. Select Hide Subitems.
- To Unhide subitems, in the Main Contract select line item, Click three-dot menu, Select Unhide subitems.
- Select the Control icon to control the visibility and order of columns within the table. Select the column headers to sort in ascending or descending order.
- Select the chart icon to view budget and cost trend charts.
- Select the edit icon to enable edit mode. If the user has “view only” permission, they can’t make edits.
4. Contract Edit Mode
Users with “full control” permissions for the Contract component can edit, in edit mode:
- 1: Select “Add” to manually enter a contract item.
- 2 & 3: Select “Import” to open the Contract Import window to import an Excel file. In the Contract Import window Select “Download template” to download a contract import template.
- 4: Select the “Export” button to export formatted contract summary report.
- 5: Select the filter icon to filter/group the contract view based on multiple conditions.
- 8: Within individual contract items, select the pencil icon to edit the contract name.
- 9: Click within the Type and Budget Code columns to edit the information. Project Admins create the list of contract types within the Cost settings in the Settings tool.
- 10: Select the checkbox next to a contract or the three-dot menu to delete it.
- To edit additional information pertaining to a specific contract, select the contract name to open the details flyout panel. Key items:
- Budget Code – Provides a list of all unallocated budget items. Create the connection between contract and budget item by assigning from this list.
- SOV (Schedule of Values) – By default, the SOV will inherit any budget item build-ups from the connected budget item. They can be removed by right-clicking if the user wants to create a different list of items. They can also be appended or edited and the values overwritten to create the correct award value for the contract.
- Documents – Automatically generate the contract, package the contract with associated documents, and email from the system.
- Billing Periods – Create and manage billing periods for payment applications.
- Custom Attributes – Project Admins can customize the type of information that needs to be captured for contracts. Steps for creating a Custom Attribute can be found in the Custom Attributes chapter.
5. Copy Supplier SOV Subitems to Main Contract
Some Owners require that their payment applications reflect the exact schedule of value breakdown the General Contractor gets from their subcontractors. However, the General Contractor may not have some of their subcontractor SOV’s established until later. Follow the below steps to learn how to copy supplier contract SOV subitems to the main contract so the Owner’s payment applications include the required information.
- Open the Suppliers contract within the Contract tab in the Cost tool. Next, scroll to the Schedule of Values section in the flyout panel and select the three-dot menu. There you can manually add subitems or import an Excel list. Note, subitem amounts must equal the exiting SOV amount.
6. Expand Supplier SOV to Full Page
- When the Contract SOV root nodes exceed hundreds of items, having the full-screen view makes it easier to visualize the data.
- There are two ways to expand the SOV section of a specific Contract to full-screen.
- Hover over the contract row and select the expand icon.
- Open the contact flyout and select the “View Schedule of Values in full page” button within the Schedule of Values section.
- Once in full page view, select the filter icon to group by budget code segment. Also, custom views can be saved for later for quick referencing within this view.
- Using the gear icon on the right, turn on the designed columns under Revised Values.
- This view auto aligns Original Budget, Scheduled Value (SOV), Change Orders and Revised Values.
- Note: Alignment between original and changes is defined by having identical item code and name. This would be done automatically if a change in the order cost item hierarchy has been generated from the contract SOV or can be done with manual entry.
Fundamental Forecasting
With all cost activities automatically pulled into the overall budget summary, teams have clear visibility into cost impacts, with a few clicks users can easily make necessary forecast adjustments.
- When a forecast adjustment needs to be made/edited, select the three-dots next to the Budget item then select Forecast Adjustment.
- In the Edit Forecast Adjustment dialog box select “add line item” and fill in the necessary information. Multiple items can be added. To delete an item, select the three dots then Delete.
Cash Flow Forecasting
Access a project-level cash flow analysis and quickly visualize the difference between planned actual and forecast with built-in dynamic charts to ensure plans are being met, risk is mitigated, and profit is maximized.
Built-In Forecast Distribution Curves
- Perform forecast distributions for each budget line item with four built-in forecast distribution curves, including front-loaded, rear-loaded, typical, and linear (when required, you can manually override).
- There are three ways to access the distribution curve functionality.
- Via the Forecast Distribution section of the budget item’s details flyout panel.
Cashflow Distributions
Only within the Forecast tool in the Cash Flow tab, you can create and manage all cashflow distributions and distribute at a grouped level and reduce the number of line items.
- To create a cash flow distribution, Select distribution item button, click Add.
- The Add distribution item box will show the items to distribute based on the settings that you set.
- A Create Forecast Distribution dialog box will appear when creating a forecast distribution, add in the distribution start and end date. When performing distributions to items connected to the schedule, dates automatically pull in.
- Choose the Curve from the drop-down menu; front-loaded, rear-loaded, typical, and linear. Note, a Budget with a time-based unit can only be distributed with a linear curve.
- Select, Create.
- The details flyout panel will update to display a graphic representation of the distribution.
- Choose to display the information by amount or percent.
- Select the three dot more menu to delete the distribution.
- Use the control icon to access the chart’s settings to display the chart by period, cumulative, or cumulative & by period.
- Select the arrow icon to expand the chart view.
Project Level Cash Flow Analysis
- Once all budget line items are forecasted, teams can access a project-level cash flow analysis to easily visualize the cash flow distribution throughout the project lifecycle.
- This real-time summary enables teams to see planned actual and forecast quickly. It also provides the ability to drill into details if needed.
- To access this, open the Forecast tool via the left sidebar then, select the Cashflow tab.
Time-Versus-Money Chart Navigation
- To display the built-in dynamic time-versus-money chart, select the chart icon.
- Click Revised Budget, Work Completed, Actual Cost, or Forecast Final Cost to switch between views.
- Choose to display the information by amount or percent.
- Use the control icon to access the chart’s settings to display the chart by period, cumulative, or cumulative & by period.
- Hover over a specific point on the chart to view detailed information.
- With the details view open, select the name of a budget item to view specific information/make updates within the details flyout panel. The graph will also change to display the information relevant to that item for the particular view you’re in.
- To delete distribution directly from the table select the three dot more menu.
Forecast Distribution Date in Details Flyout Panel
- When a budget payment application, cost payment application or expense is approved, the ‘Forecast Distribution’ date field within the details flyout panel will display the same date as the ‘Approved’ date.
- However, it can manually be modified manually to meet your needs.
Performance Tracking
With the Performance Tracking toolset in Cost Management, contractors who self-perform can analyze productivity and cost data in ‘near’ real-time to gain clear visibility into the potential risk of schedule delays and cost overruns to enable accurate forecasting.
Synching Productivity Data
Productivity data populates into Cost Management via integration with 3rd-party labor tracking applications such as Rhumbix, QuickBooks Time, and ClickUp.
- Visual indicators show you how actual productivity compares with the plan.
- A red arrow pointing up appears in the Tracked Productivity Rate column when you are underproducing to indicate you have an issue.
- In the Performance Ratio column, you can see how well you are performing. This is where breaking down your data into instances and leveraging locations comes in handy. At the “parent level,” you can quickly gauge how you’re doing based on the colored ratio indicator. You can then dive deeper into each instance to analyze performance. Less than 1.00 displays as a red dot and indicates you are underperforming. 1.00 is as planned, and above is over-performing which displays as a green dot.
Change Order Management
A typical construction project can have dozens of Change Orders. Improve tracking of Change Orders across the entire approval process, and view details of Cost Item impacts as well as historical reference points with Cost’s Change Order capabilities.
1. Potential Change Order Tab
PCO’s (Potential Change Orders) are the starting point of any budget or cost change. Cost items are added providing a connection back to the affected budget, contract and supplier. Cost items can be created directly in the cost item view and assigned to a PCO later, but the typical workflow is as follows:
- 1: Select “Add” to create a new PCO.
- 2: Select Scope, In (Cost Change Only) Out (Additional Budget and Cost Change) or Contingency (Budget and Cost Change) If a change is Budget side only simply do not add any values to Estimated, Proposed or Committed columns.
- 3: Type is an optional field if you’d like to be able to number, track or group change orders by their type.
- 4: Source Type and Source Ref are also optional if you’d like to track or group based on the origin of the change.
- 5: “Export” allows you to export a PDF or CSV PCO report.
- 6: Column settings allows you to select the columns you wish to include in your view.
- 7: View selector allows you to store and recall your preferred grouping/column visibility.
- 8: Select the PCO name to open the details flyout panel, the pencil allows you to edit the name.
- 9: Select the three dot icon or right click to access the context menu to add cost items, change status, etc Reference the last section in this chapter for more information on cost items.
- Leaving a PCO as draft will mean any costs are not shown or used in calculations in the budget/contract overview. Setting status to Open triggers those calculations and impact will be shown in the overview
2. Generating a Request for Quotation from a Potential Change Order & Batch Request
Request for Quotation (RFQ) is the document generated to solicit pricing from a supplier. There are two ways to generate a Request for Quotation (RFQ).
- First, a single RFQ that includes all the associated Cost Items can be generated or individual RFQs for specific Cost Items within the PCO can be generated.
- Second, an RFQ can also be generated through a Batch request when there is a change and is not clear who is affected by it, an RFQ can be sent directly to all recipients and keep record of their response.
- There are three different ways to generate an RFQ through a PCO:
- Option 1: Select the checkbox next to the PCO or specific Cost Item. A “Generate” drop-down menu will appear. Choose “RFQ”.
- Option 2: Select the three-dot menu next to the PCO or specific Cost Item and scroll to “Generate”. Then choose “RFQ”.
- Option 3: Select the PCO name to open the details flyout panel, then choose “RFQ” from the “Generate” drop-down menu. This option is available only for generating a single RFQ that includes all associated Cost Items.
- Once an RFQ has been generated, the item moves to the RFQ tab.
Batch Request RFQ
A Batch Request Quotation can be used when a change occurs, and it is unclear who might be affected by this change. To reduce the risk of missing anyone, a batch request to all suppliers can be sent to let them indicate whether affected or not and keep a record of their response.
- Under the PCO item, Click the three-dot menu, Select Batch request quotations.
- Users can also click PCO item and in the flyout panel, scroll to Quotations, Select Batch request quotations.
3. Request for Quotation Tab
The Request for Quotation (RFQ) tab is within the Change Order tool in Cost. Note, tab names can be customized by the Project Admin within settings.
- 1: The items status auto updates to “Draft” after a RFQ is generated from a PCO.
- 2: Select the Control icon to edit position and visibility of columns within the table.
- 3: The Response Due column will be populated when a date is added in the dates section of the details flyout panel.
- 4: To delete an item, update the item’s status, generate/regenerate a document. Then, select the checkbox next to the line item or the three-dot menu.
- Select the item’s name to open the details flyout panel. Editing the RFQ can be done within the flyout panel.
- In the details flyout panel, selectable workflow-based actions (buttons) will appear to guide the user through the process.
- For example, when the RFQ status is “Open,” a “Request Quotation” button is visible. Note, a Supplier needs to be listed in the Supplier Details section.
- Once the RFQ is sent, the next options appear: “Set as Proposed” or “Rejected”, and so on.
- When Accepted, select “SCO” to generate a Supplier Change Order.
- To generate the RFQ documentation, scroll to the documents section of the details flyout panel and select “Add document”. Choose “Generate from document template” and pick the appropriate template. This process utilizes the document templates created in Settings.
- Once the document is generated, select the three-dot menu to view additional options. To email the document(s) directly from the system, choose the three-dot menu next to Document Package, and select “Send by email”.
4. Generating a Change Order Request from a Potential Change Order
Change Order Request (COR) are upstream budget change orders. They are a means of requesting a change in the contract between the Owner and the Main Contractor. Typically, the COR created by the Main Contractor is built from one or more Cost Items and sent to the Owner.
- There are three different ways to generate an COR.
- Option 1: Select the checkbox next to the PCO. A Generate drop-down menu will appear. Choose COR.
- Option 2: Select the three-dot menu next to the PCO, and scroll to Generate. Then choose COR.
- Option 3: Select the PCO name to open the details flyout panel, and then choose COR from the Generate drop-down menu.
- Multiple PCOs can be rolled up into a single COR. Select the checkbox next to the PCOs to generate into a single COR. The process is the same as generating a single document. However, the COR will be a combination of the selected PCOs. The Cost Items will be combined, and the scope is auto-populated but can be adjusted.
- Once an COR has been generated, the item moves to the COR tab.
5. Request for Change Order Tab
The Change Order Request (COR) tab is within the Change Order tool in Cost. Note, tab names can be customized by the Project Admin within settings.
- 1: The item’s status auto-updates to “Draft” after an COR is generated from a PCO.
- 2: To delete an COR and update the status select the checkbox next to the line item. Select the three-dot menu for additional options.
- 3: Select the Control icon to control the visibility and order of columns within the table.
- Check the box to make the desired column(s) appear.
- Hover over an item and select the arrow to lock the column in place. Locks to the left or right based on arrow selection.
- Change column order by hovering over an item, selecting/holding the dots, then dragging and dropping in the new location.
- 4: Select the items name to open the details flyout panel. Editing the COR can be done within the flyout panel.
- In the details flyout panel, selectable workflow-based actions (buttons) will appear to guide the user through the process.
- For example, when the COR status is “Submitted,” “Set as Accepted” and “Set as Rejected” buttons are visible.
- By selecting “Set as Accepted”, the status color changes, and the next options are “Set as Rejected,” “Generate”, and “Revert to Submitted”.
- With the status as “Accepted”, an OCO or an SCO can be generated.